Date/Time: Sept 25 (Friday), 2020 / 8:00 pm– 10:00 pm
Venue: Online Zoom meeting
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/121761141853 Or scan the following QR code

Fee: Free to all NECINA community and AAA members 欢迎朋友参加
NECINA co-hosts with AAA Boston to discuss how entrepreneurs can survive and thrive during difficult time of Sino-US relation plus unprecedented pandemic. AAA Boston invited Mr. Dirk Burrowes and Scott Li to talk about the challenge and opportunities for technology companies, Dr. Rong Sun will talk about the market opportunities even during current situation, Dr. ZR Ying will share his experience in medical and health care start up. E Club invited Brainco President Mr. Max Newlon to discuss brain-machine interface technology, the future of the industry, and the lessons learned along the way as he helped grow one of the largest and most successful BMI companies in the world.
亚美联谊会AAA of Boston联合NECINA的E-Club (Entrepreneurs Club) 创业者俱乐部,恰第10届亚美节9/25/2020将举办一期全线上“中美跨越太平洋的创业者座谈交流会”,继续2019年去年同期的《中美摩擦且砥砺共赢 •美中不足但路在脚下》话题,当下疫情未罢中美贸易战升级逐步政治化和即将投票的美国大选两党争论路线角力之关头,2020年的确是一个世界格局充满变数的黑天鹅之年。欧洲“五月花号”来到美国波士顿鳕鱼角至今400年,中美两国重启接触到开放交流沟通全方位合作又竞争的40年而砥砺加速摩擦甚至贸易战纷争基本上集中爆发在过去的区区4年之间,不免唏嘘!世界应该和而不同,不同的文化制度国家和最重要的芸芸众生如何有智慧的求同存异,草根老百姓普普通通企业之间继续狭缝创新共赢前进的努力号角不应该停滞,其实这里没有主角和特别主题,本着抛砖引玉互相尊重观点包容的出发点,美其名曰:大家一起《且行且珍惜,Keep Going!》
- 8:00-10:00 PM @ 美东时间 9/25 / 8:00-10:00 AM @ 北京时间 9/26
- - 中小型制造业企业在未来智能制造产业升级变局中的机遇和挑战 - By Dirk Burrowes
- - 国际化和本地化结合的颠覆或跨界竞合机会 - By Scott Li
- - 中美互补的细分市场创业机会 - By Rong Sun, Phd
- - 医疗相关大健康行业创业经验 - By ZR Ying, Phd
- - Brain-Machine Interface Technology & success story of Brainco - By Max Newlon
- - 月亮和六便士:海归创业,归去来兮!融资资本对接及管理创业经验分享 - By ALL & Members Attendees
Dirk Burrowes President of Vytek Industrial Laser SystemDirk is a Boston local entrepreneur, President at Vytek Industrial Laser Systems based in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Mr. Burrowes, 57, is the oldest of three sons born to Kurt Burrowes, an MIT graduate who founded a company in the 1960s called Burrowes Research that served as the first workplace for all of his sons. Under his father’s unofficial and enduring mentorship, he learned the ropes that would eventually allow him to open his own business. Since 1988,Vytek has evolved from a single laser-engraving machine designed for the memorial (gravestone) industry, something of a side job, to a full exploration of different applications of the technology. The company manufactures cutting, engraving and marking equipment for a wide variety of markets and applications. Vytek has 40 employees — including brother Ted Burrowes, who functions as Vytek’s operations manager — and $10 million to $15 million in annual sales. 2019 Vytek got a china expansion plan to leveraging USA-China joint technology and manufacturing efforts to develop and marketing high power laser cutting & welding machine while serve the both country’s interest of US and China.
Dr. Rong Sun 孙嵘 Rong Sun 毕业于南京大学。后赴加拿大戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie University)攻读硕士学位,师从著名的热力学专家 Mary Ann White 教授和著名的锂电池材料学专家J eff Dahn, 从事基于硅锗的超晶格热电材料的研究。毕业后赴世界顶尖的美国MIT麻省理工学院材料科学与工程系,师从著名的物理学家,半导体材料专家Lionel Kimerling攻读博士学位,从事大规模硅基光电子集成的设计和制造工艺的研究。毕业后于2009年初加入美国初创公司 Aegis Lightwave 神盾光波公司,从事应用于远程通讯,光纤通讯的可调制的薄膜型滤光器的研发。公司于2011年被美国上市公司II-VI成功收购。离开神盾光波公司后,加入了美国Thermo Fisher Scientific 赛默飞舍尔公司,从事世界前沿的各种手持光谱仪项目的研发。值得一提的是成功领导了与美国航空航天局合作的近红外光谱仪的研发工作(NASA Resolve 项目)。为 NASA 度身定做的光谱仪将跟随着美国最新的登月车于2019年发射登月,在月球上从事水分和有机物的研究。孙嵘博士率团队于 2016 年落户张家港大新镇激光产业园区,成立了苏州星帆华镭光电科技有限公司,开展了手持 LIBS 合金光谱仪项目的研发及生产,经过 2 年多的艰苦科研,产品于2018 年下半年正式上市销售,第一代产品主要针对不锈钢及铝合金产业,目前为国内首家可以生产 LIBS 光谱仪的厂家。孙嵘博士分别于 2016、2017、2018 年度获得了张家港领军人才、姑苏双创人才及江苏省双创人才计划。手持 LIBS 激光诱导击穿光谱仪是近两年崛起的新兴技术。利用灵敏的光谱仪分析该发射光谱,通过电脑分析可以得到材料中元素的种类和相应的含量。 LIBS 技术无需取样和进行样品制备,对样品表面的破坏性可以忽略不计,几乎适用于所有的金属和非金属元素的检测。对生产过程进行高速,高效的监控,提高产品的良品率。成为生产过程中的一个不可或缺的环节。
Dr. ZR Ying President of Vytek Industrial Laser System应峥嵘 ZR Ying, 1990-1997 年上海交通大学电力工程学士、电子工程硕士,毕业后赴 Boston University 波士顿大学攻读电气工程博士。 毕业后留美工作,从事安检、医学CT 系统的研究、设计和开发,拥有30多 项CT 技术方面的美国发明专利,是该领域的创新者。2012年应峥嵘和合伙人李育开始了创业之路,选择落户苏州工业园区,创立了苏州波影医疗技术有限公司(www.bozwin.cn)。创业历程中应峥嵘获得国家千人计划、姑苏领军、园区领军等多项荣誉;波影医疗也获得了元禾、经纬、深创投等顶级创投的投资。波影医疗专注于医学影像设备的研发、生产和销售。波影医疗以技术创新为核心,充分利用全球化的资源优势,攻克了国内CT研发企业发展的技术瓶颈,同时承担了国家科技部科技支撑计划CT核心部件开发项目,研发出拥有自主知识产权的探测器系统,并推出整机产品---皓月CT。皓月CT是波影人始终秉承自主核心技术驱动理念,不懈追求从0到1的突破;从探测器系统到整机,完成了破壳而出的华丽问世。“极简•至真”是皓月CT的品牌理念。极简,不仅体现在产品外观的简约,更体现在操作流程的全面智能化;至真,指的是 “神盾”ASG探测器与高配双金属球管这两个影像链核心部件的完美结合,为高图像质量和低辐射剂量奠定了坚实的硬件基础;至真为心,极简为体,这两大特点为皓月CT实现“惠及基层医疗”的目标保驾护航。
Max Newlon President of Brainco USA, Inc.Max Newlon is the President of BrainCo, USA. BrainCo is a brain-machine interface company incubated in the Harvard Innovation Lab. Since 2015, BrainCo has grown from a small team of Harvard and MIT scientists to a team of nearly 150 team members with 3 offices in Boston and China. After graduating from the Honors Program at the University of Connecticut with a degree in Cognitive Science, Max spent several years working simultaneously for the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in fMRI research labs investigating the impact of mediation on the brain as well as invasive deep brain stimulation technology on Parkinson's Disease. In 2016 he graduated with a master's degree in human development and psychology from Harvard University before joining BrainCo.
Max will be discussing brain-machine interface technology, the future of the industry, and the lessons learned along the way as he helped grow one of the largest and most successful BMI companies in the world.
Scott Li CEO Open Laser 李思佳 Scott Li, 美国Open Laser 及上海嘉强自动化技术有限公司和浙江湖州睿制开源研究院等单位的创建人及总经理,专注工业激光材料加工外光路激光头及总线数控系统的细分市场开拓和研发制造,创业耕耘逾十年,往返于中美欧三地开拓国际市场和本地结合的资源整合,对传统制造升级和智能制造激光加工行业及中美贸易摩擦和机会有较深刻的体会。Empower嘉强是中国工业激光材料加工用激光头和数控系统综合解决方案的领先者,Scott拥有发明专利著作权等100多项,公司每年提供超过4万以上激光头及控制系统服务于全球1000多家激光设备集成商和各种行业终端客户。2015年战略并购瑞士RayTools AG公司落地中国制造。2009年创业之前服务于Laser Mechanisms Inc.公司亚太办事处负责激光加工解决方案的亚太区推广。1999-2007分别于加州硅谷OptiWorks, Ditech (Altmar), OptiWave, IOA, Oplink Communications Inc.等光通信公司从事研发设计或市场推广等工作。2001年获中佛罗里达大学电子工程硕士。1997-1999任上海朗讯Lucent of Shanghai技术部系统工程师。1997年获上海交通大学电子工程硕士,1994年本科毕业于南昌大学(原江西大学)材料物理专业。李思佳先生2017年始担任亚美会董事,今年开始负责筹建创业小组活动Entrepreneurs Club。
Event Organizer:
AAA Boston: Asian American Association of Boston (www.aaaboston.org) & Necina NE-Club
Necina E-Club
NECINA Entrepreneur Club (NE Club) is a community of technology company founders and Executives. Through its partnership with other businesses or organizations, E Club organizes regular meetings/network events, and provides a resourceful platform for E Club members to get training, conduct network, and promote their businesses.
The missions of the club are:
- To leverage NECINA resources to connect the club members to more senior and successful entrepreneurs, VCs and service firms as well as business counterparts in Asia to seek mentors, advices and business opportunities.
- To provide a social network platform for the entrepreneurs to share their successful stories and lessons learned, and help each other.
Membership Qualification:
To join NE Club, you need to be (1) active NECINA member, and (2) a founder/co-founder or an executive of a technology company
Contact Us:
If you have any questions, please e-mail to eclub@necina.org with your full contact info and business web address.
Also, NECINA has partnered with local professional associations, research institutions and universities for events promotion, co-hosting and resource sharing.
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