

For many tech start-ups, getting the attention of prospective customers is difficult. The struggle to prove that your products and services are truly unique and will improve your customer’s business is hard to prove. Traditional trade advertising and tradeshows are expensive, very slow and often don’t lead to the important early stage customers you need.

We are happy to announce our annual joint summer outing on August, 11 at Nara Park in Acton, MA! This year, we will be partnering with CABA, and OCEAN. Bring your family and friends; but most of all, come meet other members of the different organizations and enjoy the beautiful park. There will be plenty of games and activities to participate in and lunch will be provided.


NECINA 每年组织召开人工智能大会,只为和大家一起,时刻紧跟科技创新的步伐,不断开拓视野,去看更广阔的世界。18年,我们整合了过去几届会议的经验和资源,为大家呈上一场更具规模,更多话题,连接东西海岸的 - 2018 波士顿人工智能和数据科学大会。
时间: 2018年4月14日 周六,10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
地点: 52 Oxford St (Harvard Northwest Science Building B103), Cambridge, MA

Career Fair Schedule and Location:
9:00 am-2:00 pm, March 24th, Saturday, 2018
Harvard Pilgrim, 1600 Crown Colony Drive, Quincy, MA 02169

E-Club January Meeting - How To Grow Your Sales For Tech Companies - Two successful entrepreneurs share their experience

E-Club December Meeting: How to Grow Your Business in the age of AI? – Two successful entrepreneurs, Mr. Steven Gao and Dr. Dan Xiao will share their vision & experience!

Innovation, Commercialization and Collaboration, 2017 CABA Medical Device and Diagnostics Innovation Symposium (MDDI)
-co-sponsored by NECINA and Harvard Medical School CSSA

2017 NECINA AI Conference: How AI Technology Empower Your Career Success. Saturday, 12/2/2017, 10: 00 am ~ 5:00 pm , Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, Room: Havana (5th floor) , Cambridge, MA

Join NECINA as a Member today to receive Free tickets to all NECINA conferences in a year!

NECINA’s annual Career Conference is designed to help participants gain insight in and exposure to various career paths. The main objective of the Career Conference is to provide participants a unique opportunity to seek advice from professionals with a wealth of experience and build connections for the future. Speakers, panelists, mock interviewers and recruiting employers are anticipated to come from a diversified industry sectors, including Information Technology, Engineering, Biomedical, Statistics, Life Science, Marketing, Business Development, Accounting, Finance, Tax, Investment, Operations and entrepreneurship. This year’s participating employers are bringing hundreds of jobs to this wonderful event.

Many experts predict Blockchain is a much greater impact than Bitcoin. It is expected to dramatically impact Finance industry, Global Trades, and asset management. According to IBM Corp., which makes a commercially available blockchain product, 65% of the world's top banks will be using the technology before the end of the decade for near-instant trading of stocks, bonds, and foreign currencies. And, one way or another, so will you.

Greeting from NECINA, hope you had a fun-filled and wonderful summer. We're about to enter the most beautiful and famed foliage season in New England. NECINA and our honored partners are also busy preparing the best events for you. Our biggest event - NECINA 2016 AI conference is around the corner, check more information here!

(Important notice: Due to inclement weather, the event has been postponed out of concern for people's safety. A future date will be announced on website and through our member newsletter. All tickets will be valid for next event. People that cannot make it to the rescheduled date can request for a refund)
Please Mark Your Calendar for the Date - . As an annual outing event and a perfect relaxing recreation, NECINA Summer Outing provides the best opportunity for members to meet, share, play, and network.

NECINA 20TH ANNIVERSARY - ANNUAL CONFERENCE: "TECHNOLOGY AND QUALITY OF LIFE": 2016 is 20th birthday of NECINA. We want to use the special occasion to celebrate what we have created, and pause a moment to reflect, and start the next decade on the right foot.

2016 NECINA Financial Technology Conference Riding Technology and Innovation Wave in Finance Industry Date/Time: Apr. 23rd (Sat.), 9:00AM- 1:30PM Venue: ConstantContact Innoloft, 1601 Trapelo Rd, Waltham, MA 02451 Registration: ......

NEW 4.0 网协创业营 Proudly Sponsored by KPMG Global Innovation Center NECINA NEW 4.0 April Workshop (Building Winning Products, Drive Marketing and Sales) When initiating a startup business, there are many factors to understand when it comes to product development, along with sales and marketing ......

国家级高新区海外高层次人才座谈会西安高新区-北美专场 (波士顿)NECINA 协办电子信息,生物制药,新材料,新能源,环保类等相关专业毕业的优秀人才有相关行业海外工作经验的优秀人才及行业内高层次人才创新公司和投资局对接为加快聚集和培养高层次人才,促进和引领高新区产业发展,推动形成“大众创业、万众创新”的良好氛围,高新区实施特殊人才跨越计划,吸引更多优秀的海外行业人才,将于2016年3月31在北美地区波士顿举办海外行业人才交流会,鼓励海内外高层次人才团队创新创业。对于承担重大项目、掌握国际领先技术、引领产业发展的海内外高层次人才团队,经评审,给予创业启动资金、股权投资、贷款贴息、财政奖励等扶持资......

NEW 4.0 网协创业营 Proudly Sponsored by KPMG Global Innovation Center Company formation - legal and tax considerations Mar, 17 Thursday You are about to register a company and start your business, or you are going to join a startup, ......