NECINA 2024 职业发展与领导力会议回顾


 这次职业峰会的核心,是为了提供一个能够让参与者直接与行业领袖交流、探讨职业发展机会的平台。NECINA精心准备了丰富的议程,让每个人都有机会听到行业内部人士的真知灼见,无论是关于职业技能的培养、还是关于如何在职场上更有效地提升自我、或是诚意满满的经验分享。上午的活动随着NECINA主席John Zhuang对本次活动的介绍拉开了帷幕,随后我们邀请到了Brandeis International Business School的院长Kathryn Graddy致开幕词,之后多位经验丰富的行业翘楚带来一场典型的交流盛宴,让大家有机会深入讨论职业发展的各个维度。




Last Saturday, March 9th, 2024, the NECINA Career Conference was an outstanding success. Far more than just an event, it served as a vibrant platform for networking, drawing in over a hundred enthusiastic students and professionals from diverse industries. For both NECINA and the attendees, the Conference marked a moment of extraordinary achievement and overflowed with positive energy.
At the heart of this career Conference was the aim to provide participants with a direct avenue to engage with industry leaders and explore career development opportunities. The NECINA team meticulously crafted a rich agenda, ensuring everyone had the chance to gain insights from industry insiders, whether it was about honing professional skills, navigating the workplace effectively, or sharing genuine experiences. The morning session commenced with an introduction by NECINA President John Zhuang, followed by an inspiring speech from Kathryn Graddy, the Dean of Brandeis International Business School. Subsequently, seasoned industry leaders led extensive discussions, offering opportunities for deep dives into various aspects of career development.
The overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants and tangible outcomes stand as testament to the Conference's success. Particularly noteworthy was the afternoon session, featuring mock interviews and a job fair. The mock interviews refined job seekers' interview skills, instilling confidence for future endeavors. The real job opportunities drew numerous student participants, with some even securing job offers on the spot. This success is not merely individual triumphs but the culmination of collective efforts aimed at fostering career development and personal growth.
NECINA understands the significance of every gathering. While this career Conference may have concluded, it signals just the beginning. We eagerly anticipate continuing to bridge the gap between students and professionals through more meaningful events in the future, providing opportunities for everyone to flourish and develop on this platform.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every enthusiastic participant and every generous guest speaker. It is through everyone's unwavering support and contributions that this career Conference brimmed with vitality and motivation. Let us eagerly look to the future as we continue to create more remarkable experiences together.