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07/13/2018 | Necina Team | Victor Cao
庆祝NECINA第22届年会成功举办】一年一度的NECINA -纽英伦中华资讯网路协会”的年会昨天在Raddison Hotel  Chelmsford顺利、圆满、成功举行。
06/19/2018 | 世界日报 | 唐嘉丽
纽英伦中华资讯网络协会 ( NECINA ) 2018年年会16日在麻州全是福镇瑞迪森酒店举行。300名专业人士在整日研讨会中聚焦 “数字未来” 主题,探讨正深入各领域、迅速改变联系沟通方式以及日常生活的人工智能和其他相关技术发展。年会中会长李震宇交棒新会长曹江山,并有杰出贡献义工表扬和青少年企业家培训班 ( YES.10 ) 竞赛颁奖。
02/18/2018 | 波士頓菊子 | 周菊子

(Boston Orange 周菊子華森市報導) 搞科技的人怎麼做銷售? 紐英崙中華資訊網路協會 (NECINA) 的企業家俱樂部日前以 ”科技公司如何增加銷售” 為主題,邀蕭民、常軍這兩位成功企業家分享經驗。

12/27/2017 | |
How to grow your business in the age of AI? Education has become a global commodity, how to recognize and leverage the cultural differences for creating innovative business?
12/21/2017 | |
(Boston Orange 周菊子華森市報導) 紐英崙中華資訊網路協會(NECINA)企業家俱樂部11月16日以”人工智能時代如何拓展企業”為題,舉辦講座,邀得劍橋美國高中聯盟共同創辦人高建新,創星方案(Creative Star Solutions)共同創辦人蕭德全分享經驗。
12/14/2017 | Necina Team | Michael Dong
On Dec 9th, Over 60 participants gathered to attend the Medical Device Symposium co-hosted by NECINA, CABA and the Harvard Medical School CSSA at the Folkman Auditorium at the Boston Children’s...
12/07/2017 | Necina Team | Michael Dong
Artificial intelligence has manifested itself as a driving force that will shape the business landscape of various industries. To address this topic, NECINA partnered with Liaoyuan to host an event...
12/06/2017 | 波士顿中文网 | Autumn
12月2日,NECINA 携手 “燎原” 以及CIC,在CIC Cambridge 创业中心共同举办了主题为 “2018人工智能如何入局——新科技助力事业腾飞” 的论坛活动。
10/25/2017 | Necina Team | Marketing Team
On October 25th, NECINA participated in China Day and was one of ten organizations to receive a Certification of Appreciation from the Chinese Consul General.
