Chiang J. Li (李嘉强)

  • Posted on: 28 October 2019
  • By: admin941

李嘉强 博士,MD, FACP, FRCP(hon) ,临床医学科学家,发明家,企业家。美国国家发明家科学院院士,英国皇家医师学院荣誉院士,美国内科学院特邀直选院士,中国国务院侨办海外专家咨询委员会委员,国际著名生物科技与转化医学专家。现任强新科技集团主席,兼强新科技国际研究院院长;哈佛大学BIDMC医院最高董事会董事(Board of Directors),艾克曼分子靶向治疗中心主任,内科消化系统疾病与癌症专家, 博士后导师.

李博士拥有240多项国际发明专利与专利申请, 是世界上拥有原创技术发明最多的医学家之一。在生物科技及转化医学的诸多领域做出国际影响的开拓性的原创成果,包括核心技术的发明。李博士在美国已成功创办多家生物科技公司, 获美国2012年华尔街日报(路透社风投杂志)全球资本效率排行榜第一位的企业家。他曾应邀在生物科技创新方面为中国,美国,日本,韩国和欧洲等政府部门提供建议咨询。

李博士毕业于哈佛大学,麻省理工学院,是第一位获哈佛大学医学博士并入选完成哈佛大学住院医师与专家医师训练的中国人。李博士获得的荣誉还包括哈佛大学Lyman and Grew 奖;麻省理工Merck 学者奖; 哈佛大学医学院最佳毕业生荣誉 (Magna Cum Laude),入选美国顶级医师,韩国科技部生物技术国际研究奖,2010年美国年度技术创新奖,韩国Dongguk大学荣誉教授,美国麻州杰出亚裔成就奖(唯一华裔2013),中国旅美科技协会终身成就奖, 美国麻省杰出移民企业家奖 (唯一科技企业家), 美国麻省州议会特除表彰奖等。应中组部邀请荣幸参加了国庆60周年的观礼。哈佛大学-麻省理工健康科学技术学院2017年毕业典礼发言人等。

Dr. Li is a clinician scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, investor and a seasoned global business executive with internationally-recognized accomplishments in therapeutic innovation. He serves as the founder, executive chairman of 1Globe Holdings, and president of 1Globe Health Institute. Dr. Li also serves as the director of the Skip Ackerman Center for Molecular Therapeutics, and as a member of the Board of Directors at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center of Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Li is a named inventor in over 240 patents or patent applications worldwide and has led efforts to translate a number of his inventions from bench to bedside for patients with life-threatening disorders. Dr. Li has founded multiple successful biotech companies, including Boston Biomedical, which was ranked as the most capital efficient company among all companies in all industries that were acquired or became public in 2012, and was also rated as one of the most capital efficient biotechs in history (VCJournal co-published by the Wall Street Journal and Reuters).

Dr. Li has received many recognitions including Election to the US National Academy of Inventors, Fellow (hon) of Royal College of Physicians (London), Directly Elected Fellow via Invitation (as singular honor, American College of Physicians), GRL Biotechnology Award (Korean Ministry of Science and Technology), Distinguished Professor (Dongguk University), Honoree of Massachusetts Asian American Commission (2012), Life Time Achievement Award (CAST-USA), Massachusetts Immigrant Entrepreneur Award, member of Foreign Advisory Expert Committee, China State Council.

Dr. Li graduated from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology, received his M.D. magna cum laude from Harvard Medical School, and completed his residency and clinical fellowship in Harvard. He has also received executive education at Harvard Business School. Mr. Albert Ma is the Chief Innovation Officer of Insigma Hengtian Software, Ltd. He has over 25 years of IT management and software development experience. Before joining Hengtian, Mr. Ma was the Chief Information Officer of the State Street Technology Center for several years in Hangzhou, China. He was the core team member in setting up the IT operation locally and migration of strategic applications to the Hangzhou office.
Mr. Ma graduated from the University of Queensland with a Masters Degree in Technology Management and an MBA from the Univeristy of Hull. He is a certified Project Management Professional and Certified IT Professional. As the company’s Chief Innovation Officer, Mr. Ma manages the R&D and innovation activities of the company. He makes leading research efforts in technical solutions in Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Mobile, Machine Learning and Software Engineering Automation.

MD, FACP, FRCP (hon)